As the night dimmed on March 16th, a large group of students, teachers and Finn-Brit members gathered at Tampereen lyseon lukio for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Organised by IB students and teachers, the project known as Café Scientifique hosted Christine de Luca, an award-winning Scottish poet. She had been invited to Finland by the Federation of …
Juniversity is a science and learning program for youngsters, organized by Tampere University. The program offers opportunities to experience and learn science through various different ways, including science cafés where experts discuss different topics every month. This month the topic was environmental psychology, and the main question was how to raise people to be more …
The children’s culture association SirkusRakkausPumPum created a map of all pieces of art one can find around Tampere. There were different colorful and interesting artworks, using various mediums like graffiti, murals. Through this experience I was able to develop orienting skills and be active while enjoying the beautiful art thus, it was a good opportunity …
Tiistaina 23. maaliskuuta me Rellun 19K-ryhmän opiskelijat pääsimme kuuntelemaan Tampereen yliopiston ja Åbo Akademin yhteistyössä järjestämää rasismia käsittelevää Nagging or speaking up? -luentoa. Luennoitsijana toimi Leonardo Custódio, brasialialainen Åbo Akademissa työskentelevä tutkijatohtori, joka on myös yksi antirasistisen tutkimuskollektiivi ARMA:n perustajista (Anti-Racism Media Activist Alliance). Luennolle osallistui noin 80 opiskelijaa ja opettajaa Tampereen, Turun sekä Rovaniemen lukioista. …